We are happy to share that the ShigaPlexIM Annual Meeting fruitfully took place on 19 October 2022. This is the first annual meeting following the change in the project plan, now focusing on the InvaplexAR-Detox vaccine candidate. This is the first annual meeting following the change in the project plan, now focusing on the InvaplexAR-Detox vaccine candidate.
About 24 participants from the Netherlands (Leiden University Medical Center, LUMC), Burkina Faso (Groupe de Recherche Action en Santé, GRAS), Zambia (Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia, CIDRZ), Germany (European Vaccine Initiative, EVI), Sweden (University of Gothenburg, UGOT), Switzerland (Foundation for Appropriate Technologies in Health-FATH) and USA (PATH), gathered together in a virtual meeting to discuss project achievements, the new strategy and future directions.
The consortium is strongly supported by the Members of the ShigaPlexIM Scientific and Ethics Advisory Committee towards its commitment to developing a new vaccine against diarrhoeal disease (Shigellosis).